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- Staff | Downey Memorial Christian Church | Downey
STAFF TEAM | EQUIPO DE PERSONAL Senior Pastor | Pastora Principal Rev. Tanya Lopez Rev. Tanya Lopez serves as Senior Pastor of Downey Memorial Christian Church. She has been involved in church leadership at the congregational, regional, and general levels. She is passionate about discovering ways to help people connect to God, each other and to their communities. She is bilingual and sees herself as a bridge to help bring communities and generations together. Tanya is a creative thinker who seeks to lead and serve others from a place of radical hospitality, welcome and inclusivity. Her and her spouse, Rev. Al Lopez, are the proud parents of two wonderful girls. Administrative Pastor | Pastor Administrativo Rev. Al Lopez Coming soon Associate Pastor | Pastor Asociado Rev. David Becerra Coming soon
- About Us | Downey Memorial Christian Church
WE ARE | SOMOS We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. A united, bilingual, multicultural community that shares Christ's love and wholeness as we welcome and serve our local community, the world, and creation. Somos Discípulos de Cristo, un movimiento para la plenitud en un mundo fragmentado. Una comunidad unida, multi-lingual, multi-cultural que comparte el amor y la plenitud de Cristo mientras servimos y le damos la bienvenida a nuestra comunidad local al mundo y a la creación. What we believe Lo que creemos Like most Christians, we affirm: Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God and offers saving grace to all. ALL people are God's children Como la mayoría de los cristianos, afirmamos que: Jesucristo es el hijo del Dios Viviente y ofrece salvación a todos. Todas las personas son hijas/hijos de Dios. What we practice Lo que practicamos OPEN COMMUNION BAPTISM FREEDOM OF BELIEF The Lord's Supper, or Communion, is celebrated in weekly worship. It is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ. ONENESS OF THE CHURCH THE MINISTRY OF ALL BELIEVERS All Christians are called to be one in Christ and to find ways to work together in showing God's love through witness and service. We hear a special calling to make visible the unity of all Christians. In our diversity we belong to one another because we commonly belong to Christ.
- Calendar | Downey Memorial Christian Church | Downey
- Church | Downey Memorial Christian Church | Downey
BILINGUAL WORSHIP SUNDAYS 10:30 am SERVICIO BILINGÜE DOMINGOS 10:30 am Bienvenidos We are a friendly, multi-generational, and multi-cultural congregation that encourages spiritual growth and putting our faith into action. Downey Memorial Christian Church is part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), one of the first North American mainline Protestant traditions. We can't wait to welcome you to our worship service! Downey Memorial Christian Church es parte de la Iglesia Cristiana (Discípulos de Cristo), una de las primeras tradiciones protestantes principales de Norteamérica. Somos una congregación amable, intergeneracional y multicultural que fomenta el crecimiento espiritual y ponemos nuestra fe en acción. ¡Te damos la bienvenida a nuestro servicio de adoración! Contact Us | Contáctenos Office Hours | Horario de Oficina Mon - Thu 10:00 am – 1:00 pm 562-869-7291 office@downeymemorial.org HELP US TO SPREAD GOD'S LOVE AND OUR FAITH Ayúdanos a compartir el amor de Dios y nuestra fe GIVE NOW | OFRENDA HOY >>
- Prayer Requests | Downey Memorial Christian Church | Downey
PETICIONES DE ORACIÓN PRAYER REQUESTS Name | Nombre Email | Dirección Electronica Prayer Request | Petición Submit | Enviar We will be praying for you! Estaremos orando por usted Tel: 562-869-7291 8441 E. Florence Avenue Downey, CA 90240 office@downeymemorial.org
- Contact | Downey Memorial Christian Church | Downey
CONTACT Name | Nombre Email | Dirección de correo electrónico Message | Mensaje Submit Thanks for submitting! Tel: 562-869-7291 8441 E. Florence Avenue Downey, CA 90240 office@downeymemorial.org